
Such a Sucker

My day-to-day deals a lot with numbers and statistics (though I would have you think that I deal mostly with looking online for pretty things and making stuff- perhaps I am just sharing my delusions with you?). One of the aspects of data analysis that is especially intriguing to me is the visual display of quantitative information. I am such a sucker for a beautiful display of data. Check out this exhibit that is coming to the MoMa. It shows how New York City interacts with the rest of the world by using telephone and internet information. Since my school is a member of the MoMa, I will be lined to see this the minute that it is up- kind of like that lady in the old commercials for the day-after-Christmas sale, where she has her face pressed up against the glass, and she's chanting "open, open, open." Well, no, not kind of like that. Exactly like that.
[via infosthetics- my absolute favorite blog on data visualization]
link to the project here.

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