Not to go totally off-topic, but this here is my partner in crime. We're enjoying a little hookey snow day here in the city. Happy Friday!
Off Topic
Such a Sucker
My day-to-day deals a lot with numbers and statistics (though I would have you think that I deal mostly with looking online for pretty things and making stuff- perhaps I am just sharing my delusions with you?). One of the aspects of data analysis that is especially intriguing to me is the visual display of quantitative information. I am such a sucker for a beautiful display of data. Check out this exhibit that is coming to the MoMa. It shows how New York City interacts with the rest of the world by using telephone and internet information. Since my school is a member of the MoMa, I will be lined to see this the minute that it is up- kind of like that lady in the old commercials for the day-after-Christmas sale, where she has her face pressed up against the glass, and she's chanting "open, open, open." Well, no, not kind of like that. Exactly like that.
[via infosthetics- my absolute favorite blog on data visualization]
link to the project here.
Queenie Takes Manhattan
You really gotta love food blogs. I pretty much live gastrointestinally vicariously through my friend Meg. She is every bit the foodie I wish I were, and is a really great lady to boot. Her blog is incredible- she is both a talented writer and a photographer with a keen eye- but she was recently lacking a banner. I am doing some monogrammed stationary for her, and wanted to give her a banner in the meantime. Here's what I came up with (her photo, certainly not mine).
Randy Parsons
I realized that I never posted about our wedding photographer. This weekend, I put together a little montage of our wedding, and was amazed at how many of our photos are fantastic. The first 100 times I had looked through them, I completely missed a few of the great ones. We had such good luck in finding Randy. She is incredibly talented, down to earth, and went with the flow on the day of the wedding; taking charge when she needed to, and laying low when she didn't. She captured the dynamic of the event and the interactions of the guests impeccably. Her newly revamped website is here. Below is a little sample of her work from our wedding.
(The url if you want to go there without clicking on the link is
Labels: work samples
Etsy Store Launch
Okay, so Thursday isn't early in the week. In my defense, I live on Manhattan, therefore I feel like I am entitled to live on island time. So sorry for the delay, but here is the big news: I am launching an Etsy store (which I had hoped to have up, but thanks to the less than stellar weather here, the photography conditions for my goods have been not so nice). Yesterday, I participated in a little craft fair at school. I got to meet some lovely people and sell some wares. Included were these valentine-ish cards that will be coming in my new Etsy shop. I'll also have some jewelry up, and will now be taking orders for custom stationary from people other than friends and friends of friends.
I will post later on in the week with the link when the store is up and running.
Labels: work samples